Let It Shine

You’re in a room. Everything is dark. You’re carrying a light. You can see. Other people are around you. They can’t see. They ask you where you got the light. You cover it up and say, “I don’t have a light.” They walk away. You see other people with the same light as you. Only… Continue reading Let It Shine

All You Need To Know

For me it only took 3 words, I don’t know about you but when I heard those words it described everything for me. It was all I needed to hear, all I needed to know.   Those 3 words are…”God. Is. Perfect.”   If you think about it, everything does falls under those 3 words. For instance,… Continue reading All You Need To Know

It Is Well With My Soul

“O Lord, you are incredible! You are so powerful,  your glory goes beyond comprehension. Even in my doubt you are always reminding me of who you are. Day by day you stick by me encouraging me to keep going, for you have a plan for me. The reason for all of this understanding I have… Continue reading It Is Well With My Soul